"Just Ducky"

Dive into the world of "Just Ducky" and learn about its creation, characters, environments, and more!

Where it all began...

Freshman Year:

In the fall of 2019, I was entering my first semester of college and pursuing a BFA in Animation & Illustration. For one of my first assignments, we were asked to illustrate a book cover for a public domain story but there were three rules:

  1. We couldn't use text; we were only focusing on the illustration.
  2. We had to create our own twist to whatever story we chose.
  3. The final version had to be illustrated digitally.

At the time, I had a focus in 3D animation and besides a few projects in high school, I’d never taken drawing seriously in a traditional medium, let alone digitally. So, not only would this assignment have me doing something I’ve had little practice in, but it’s also having me translate whatever drawing skills I have digitally using a Cintiq and Photoshop. 

After taking some time to think about it, I picked "The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen and would turn the gosling of the original story into a duckling with enormous feet. The premise of this change was based on an ongoing joke in my family that I had enormous feet. 

Following a major learning curve and redoing the entire project a few times, Just “J.D.” Ducky was finally hatched into existence! 

Over the next four years...

This little duckling quickly became my go-to character whenever possible in my classes, but I would also start to add more characters and environments to this little world I was imagining.

The "Just Ducky" universe was slowly expanding, but I still had to focus on my assignments in school so it sat on the back burner while I went on to complete my classes.

Sophomore Year:

In the spring semester of 2020, I took an introductory digital painting class that changed everything. Up until that point, I had changed my mind from 3D animation to 2D animation.

I was in a 2D animation class during this semester as well, but there was something about digital painting that clicked with me. I immediately started planning the remaining years in my undergrad so I could focus on illustration.

  • Spring 2020: Ted makes his first appearance!

    In a character design project of the digital painting class, I made the first additional character to the "Just Ducky" world!

Senior Year

In my final year at college, I chose to do a pitch bible for my senior thesis that revolved around the "Just Ducky" world. Over two semesters, I finalized the designs for J.D., Ted, another character, and added five more characters. In addition, I brought to life five environments where they would all live.

  • Just "J.D." Ducky

    The character that started it all!

    From the day he hatched, he knew that he was born different. His disproportionally large feet quickly made him an outcast in his own family, and soon, enough was enough! Clumsy and unbalanced, he set off on his own as he yearned for acceptance.

    Learn more about J.D.! 
  • Poppy

    Poppy comes from a long line of champion hiders in her field's hide-and-seek games. Named after her family's famous champion from long ago, she's looking to take a championship title of her own. She seems to have met her match with two of her neighbors, Bandit and Scout, two of the best seekers.

  • Bandit

    Curious, a little cocky, and sneaky by nature, Bandit spends his days living in the Dark Forest and playing hide-and-seek with his friends. His favorite pastime is to try to sneak up on unsuspecting animals and try to scare them. Always keep an eye out; you never know where he might be!

    Learn more about Bandit! 
  • Scout

    Scout is on her way to becoming one of the best and bravest flyers the Dark Forest has ever seen! Nothing goes unnoticed by her when she patrols the forest like the rest of her family.

  • Ted

    Underneath his hard shell, he's a big softie especially when it comes to his family at The Pond. If you ever need to find him, chances are he's somewhere floating, looking for rainbows.

    Learn more about Ted!